Mariza's testimony

I was born with a heart problem. The doctors told me I would not reach 15 years old. I did not have a normal childhood. Until I was 10, I used to go back and forth to medical centres. It was difficult and exhausting.

At that time my parents were still non believers, but I had a neighbour I loved very much who was an evangelical Christian. I went to church with his family. One day, while I was in church, during the prayer, my dear neighbour said to me: "Mariza, put your hand on your heart and ask the Father of Heaven to heal you." I was 8-9 years old. From that day, obedient, I prayed every day to the Father of Heaven to heal me. Time passed, the symptoms of my heart’s disease too. I was 13 years old

The doctors had always told me that at the age of 15 I would be dead. However, I no longer felt any symptoms of my illness. And by the grace of the Lord, until today, 61, I never had one. Once a year, I used to go to my doctor to do tests. One of the observable defects of this disease was an abnormally large size of this organ. Doctors did not understand. Amazed, they noticed that my heart had no more signs of illness and that its size had become quite normal! Thank you Lord.

I have given you my testimony of my miraculous healing to tell you that God is, even today, a God of miracles! Now I am 61 years old and I say: «thank you Lord, alleluia»!
